Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Wvuafm tuscaloosa.
[00:00:09] Speaker B: It's the Wednesday morning show on WVUA FM.
[00:00:13] Speaker A: I'm Andrew.
[00:00:15] Speaker B: I'm Christian.
[00:00:16] Speaker A: And today we're bringing you the best content from right here in the studio.
[00:00:21] Speaker B: Indeed. Yeah.
[00:00:22] Speaker A: So kick it off as per the US. What did you do last week?
[00:00:27] Speaker B: Let's see. Of course, I had stagehand stuff.
[00:00:32] Speaker A: Is this more of a musical theater watch kind of thing, or do you want to give us a little update?
[00:00:36] Speaker B: No, no. Cause I've seen other plays and such.
[00:00:38] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Let's hear about it.
[00:00:41] Speaker B: Well, it's lovely. Some of our listeners may have seen me, actually, while I was a stagehand, because I have to sweep the front of the stage in front of the curtain during intermission, and I'm quite a hapless fellow during it because it's confetti. Oh, I'm not gonna spoil. She loves.
[00:00:56] Speaker A: We've been seeing a lot of confetti on campus recently.
[00:00:59] Speaker B: There's a lot of confetti. And if you know about confetti on stages, it doesn't sweep. And so every single day, for, like, two minutes, I try and get it with the.
[00:01:07] Speaker A: You just gotta get it by hand.
[00:01:08] Speaker B: And then the hand broom. And then I quit and start picking up.
[00:01:11] Speaker A: Yeah, you gotta pick them up.
[00:01:12] Speaker B: It's so embarrassing. Like, I just feel, like, so hapless. I feel like an idiot.
[00:01:16] Speaker A: Yeah, you feel like a fool.
[00:01:16] Speaker B: Just like, I feel like such a fool just having to kneel down, pick up bits of Confetti by hand, like.
[00:01:22] Speaker A: The hardwood of the stage, digs into your knees while you pick of each.
[00:01:26] Speaker B: Little piece of Confederacy. And so I've been doing that a lot. I've. You know what else? What else?
[00:01:33] Speaker A: That is grunt work.
[00:01:34] Speaker B: It is grunt work. You know, such as the theater grind set. What else have I been up to? Let's see. Oh, it was parents weekend for my.
[00:01:42] Speaker A: Fraternity, so parents weekend.
[00:01:45] Speaker B: I got to spend some time with my mom, dad, my older brother, my niece, my cousins. It was a good time.
[00:01:49] Speaker A: Shout out to all you families out there.
[00:01:50] Speaker B: Shout out, families. Big fan. It was my mom all's birthday, so happy belated birthday to my mom. All right, Saturday. And it was a day. Of course it was a day.
[00:01:59] Speaker A: A day. Yeah.
[00:02:01] Speaker B: Yeah. We need to discuss a day next.
[00:02:03] Speaker A: I know. I was thinking that that could be its own thing.
[00:02:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it should be its own thing.
Anyway, what about you, Andrew? What have you been up to over the weekend?
[00:02:11] Speaker A: Well, let's see. You know, we had those eight a festivities. I feel like everything I did. This weekend is gonna be split between like two different segments. Two different segments. I don't know if I really can disclose that information.
[00:02:25] Speaker B: That's fair enough.
[00:02:26] Speaker A: I suppose I can put in a little weekly play in terms of video games. Cause I'm on this new video game now.
[00:02:35] Speaker B: Oh, I'm.
[00:02:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I remember years ago with this game. I remember Markiplier played it and I really liked it. And so years later, I decided to revisit that. Let's play. And then I decided to get the game for myself. The game's called west of loathing.
[00:02:49] Speaker B: West of loathing, yeah.
[00:02:50] Speaker A: And it's like a bunch of stick figures in the Wild west. And it's a hilarious sort of rpg game.
[00:02:55] Speaker B: Is it the, like, text based or not the one? I've played that before. It's quite humorous. Yeah, it's like, it's very witty because.
[00:03:01] Speaker A: It started as like a text based, like, browser thing.
[00:03:04] Speaker B: Yeah. And now it's like stick figures, but like you, it's to get a lot of text based. Yeah, yeah, I've played that.
[00:03:12] Speaker A: And then the Wild west one. And then there's a new one.
[00:03:14] Speaker B: The pickle factory and all that.
[00:03:15] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I. It's a really fun game and there's a lot fun of.
[00:03:19] Speaker B: Yeah, that is a lot of fun. I forgot about that game. That's a great game. I played it at a friend place before. Really? Yeah.
[00:03:25] Speaker A: So we, you know, played it. Me and my girlfriend, like, kind of would like, make decisions on what to do. And then now we're like doing different. Let's plays. We're trying to get all the steam achievements.
[00:03:33] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:03:34] Speaker A: And we're knocking out like sort of the easier ones.
But then there's like a very hard mode you can unlock and that'll be like the last thing. Because in the game, how it works is if you. If you essentially, if you die, then a new day starts. Like, you wake up in your bed, like, you pass out. And so for one achievement, you have to beat the game on hard mode. You get this hack that makes the game really difficult and you have to beat the game with it on.
And that's an achievement. Then you have to beat the whole game on super hard mode without dying. And that's another achievement. So once we get the easy achievements out of the way, those hard hat ones are going to be quite literally and intentionally a nightmare. But that's part of the fun. Right.
[00:04:20] Speaker B: That's true. I don't have a weekly play, but I have a weekly read.
[00:04:24] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah.
[00:04:25] Speaker B: I've been reading. So for those who don't know, next week is department auditions for the theater department. Oh, actually, not just the department. The University of Alabama theater and dance department also dance auditions. Those dancers here shout out to our dance majors. Friends with many of them. Great people.
But. So I've been reading a bunch of Arthur Miller plays, trying to pick a monologue. I think I have it down.
But a lot of good stuff, like the incident at Vichy. Very thought provoking. All my son's great play to read. Yeah, that and I started reading to kill a mockingbird.
[00:05:06] Speaker A: Oh, I mean, like, if it's like.
Like a one mockingbird and it's 2000 grams, you know, the two kilo mockingbird.
[00:05:15] Speaker B: Yeah, that's how it works. It's a two. It's a two kilogram mockingbird.
All right, that's the book.
[00:05:23] Speaker A: Well, we're gonna take you to the music.
Wvuafm Tuscaloosa.
[00:05:45] Speaker B: Now, what do you think of the new format of eight a, Andrew?
[00:05:48] Speaker A: Oh, well, you see, I wasn't here for the old one.
[00:05:51] Speaker B: It used to be Crimson v. White, so. Used to the way it worked. It was an actual game.
[00:05:54] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:05:55] Speaker B: And you had first team offense and second team defense. It was Crimson and White was first team defense and second team offense. And they'd face off against each other, you know.
[00:06:03] Speaker A: So here's the thing that probably makes for a more entertaining event.
But when you have offense versus defense, you have like, the full strength of your offense and defense.
I think that's better for a practice. Cause you see, you know, maybe. But kind of where you're holding.
[00:06:20] Speaker B: Here's my take. There are a crap ton of scrimmage games and practice games already.
The coaches have enough to evaluate players off first off, the eight a experience is for the fans, really, and especially for the local fans who can't really afford tickets to some of the better games. Cause, you know, it's a free game.
First off, second off, in my opinion, you can actually having one game where it's first team v, second team like that, you can really analyze who deserves their spot and who doesn't. Cause let's say there's a first team guy and he's getting smoked like a first team wide out. Maybe. Let's say the second, you know, the. The right, you know, the second wide receiver and, you know, wide receiver, two in a on the first team. And he's getting absolutely smoked by this second team defensive back. When seeing that, you can see there, hey, maybe the second team defensive back needs to be in the first team where, hey, this first team wide receiver maybe doesn't deserve his start and spot.
[00:07:14] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:07:14] Speaker B: I mean, that's my take.
[00:07:16] Speaker A: I think that it certainly doesn't hurt to do it that way. I just think that the other one might be more efficient, and I think that it's seeing defensive scoring is very unique. And I thought it was very fascinating.
[00:07:30] Speaker B: It was. It's fast. It's a bit fascinating, but I still was bored. As opposed to last year's idea. It doesn't help. I missed about half the game because my mom's bad at giving shout out to my mom. There's no digging. My mom. I know she's listening. Love you, mom. But she can't give directions.
[00:07:44] Speaker A: Oh, no.
[00:07:45] Speaker B: And so I had, she had been sitting, like, she was sitting with her. My dad were sitting with some friends from college, and I was sitting with my friends, but I was like, oh, I want to go sit with him. For most of the time. I just, like, was hanging out with my friends for a sec, but then I was gonna go down to sit with my parents, and so I get where they're at. My mom says section in, as in, like the gate in.
[00:08:04] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:08:04] Speaker B: What she meant is she was in the same section as me, but in the seating section in, not the seating section. So you moved all the way down to the lower bowl from the upper bowl, which is quite a hike, as you know. And then I walked all the way around because you start in the SSS all the way around the stadium to N and look around for. And she's like. And I'm like, where are you in n and she's like, oh, I'm in the upper deck u three section in of ss eight. And I'm like, my was in ss eight u three section c.
And so island generally spent over half of eight of the game walking.
[00:08:39] Speaker A: Well, trying to find. The thing is, I. The one thing about it is that no one knew when or how the game would end.
[00:08:47] Speaker B: No, because I didn't. I had no idea. There's a time, I don't think there's.
[00:08:51] Speaker A: A problem with, like, offense versus defense, but if I don't.
[00:08:55] Speaker B: Because of the baseball game.
[00:08:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, I couldn't. I don't know. And like, no, it was quite. I think that you could have a very exciting, tense offense versus defense game.
[00:09:04] Speaker B: As long as you don't know when.
[00:09:05] Speaker A: It'S coming down to the wire. You don't know if, like, victory defeats imminent. You can't tell that. You can't have tension cause all of a sudden the game was.
[00:09:12] Speaker B: I think that's partly why I was kind of, I was, oh, yeah, I didn't stay the whole time because, I mean, I did. But partly why I was, oh, it was bad. It was bacon. But I think partially why I was less entertained is cause there was no clock.
So, Kaylin DeBoer, if you're listening, first off, at least think about bringing crimson v white back like the good old days. Or if not, just at least give us a clock. Yeah.
[00:09:33] Speaker A: If you wanna do it that way, it's fine. But we have a few tips to make it more exciting.
[00:09:37] Speaker B: Give us a clock.
[00:09:37] Speaker A: But they had some fun giveaways.
[00:09:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. They did have some fun gifts.
[00:09:41] Speaker A: They had a poster like an eight apart.
[00:09:42] Speaker B: They did have an eight apart.
[00:09:43] Speaker A: Real nice. And they had a Deboer 24 shirts.
[00:09:47] Speaker B: I did see the Deborah 24.
[00:09:48] Speaker A: I got one, you know.
[00:09:49] Speaker B: Ah, very nice.
[00:09:50] Speaker A: Among the first to get in the stadium. We have some front row seats in the student section, you know.
[00:09:56] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:56] Speaker A: Took full advantage of that.
[00:09:58] Speaker B: You know, speaking of merchandising, I can't, we can't say it on air, but I have found some really entertaining Deborah based pension. Really out and about. Yeah, that's.
[00:10:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, the new merch is starting to trickle in.
[00:10:12] Speaker B: Oh, well, it's people that are making the Devore.
[00:10:14] Speaker A: I know, but still the merchandising is great.
Speaking. I do actually have a little merchandising story. Oh, they have new plush big owls.
[00:10:24] Speaker B: At this new big Al plushes. Yeah.
[00:10:26] Speaker A: And so they're just like two elephants. And they have, like, there's one with a white sweater, one with a red sweater, and they both say bama roll tied to that. And it's really good. But they still haven't made a perfect big al plus yet.
[00:10:35] Speaker B: You know, let's soup store. If you're, if you're listening, let Andrew design your big.
[00:10:41] Speaker A: I want to talk to John Q. Soup store.
[00:10:44] Speaker B: John, winner of the soup store, inventor and CEO of the soup store.
[00:10:49] Speaker A: And I hear Danielle has connections to John Q. Danielle. Colin, let's get connected with, with John. John Q. Soup store. And because is you have, like the big, big Al plushy, right? The one that they've got. And that one's so close to being perfect. All you need to do is one on the back of the shirt. It should say big Al. Like for the little plushies. I understand that the back of the shirt's blank, but for those big ones, there's big Al. It's like a big two he doesn't have his tusks. His, the head looks kind of empty without him. He needs his little tusks. And then three, the eyes just need, like, a little bit of adjusting. They're like, a little off. They. They were fine when big Al actually used to look like that, but now big Al's cuter, and the plushies gotta.
[00:11:32] Speaker B: That's true.
[00:11:32] Speaker A: Gotta keep up, you know, three little things. Three little things, you know, and also, if they do a good enough job with the head, I don't care if the jersey doesn't save the gal, but, yeah, that's the. Just all I want, you know?
[00:11:44] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:11:45] Speaker A: But, you know, so that's no matter.
[00:11:50] Speaker B: No matter what big Al looks like, there's always stuff going on in the climate around us, Andrew. You know, there's always. It's always hot, it's always cold, or it's always raining, or it's always sunny. And so because of that, I think it could very possibly be time for.
[00:13:06] Speaker A: Whether the weather is good or bad, we've always got something to make you glad on 90.7, the morning show. Now, Christian with our weekly affirmation home.
[00:13:18] Speaker B: This next week, I will enjoy the beautiful, sunny weather in a safe manner.
And I will experience the joys of nature and of creation in the sun without getting burnt.
I will remember to put on my sunscreen as to prevent skin cancer and other things such as sunburn, that generally are just not fun because who enjoys being sunburnt during this sunburn season?
And I will be able to bask out in the sun like a lizard while still remaining safe.
[00:13:58] Speaker A: That was beautiful.
[00:14:00] Speaker B: Yeah. Shout out to the sun, everybody. Make sure in this next week or two, if you have a chance during dead week in between studying or even when studying, because you can always study outside and on the quad or something. It's always so lovely. Make sure to get out there in the sun and enjoy the beautiful weather.
[00:14:16] Speaker A: All right.
[00:14:17] Speaker B: Whenever we have, you know, I mean, today, I know it's gonna rain. Yeah. But for the most part, we've had beautiful, sunny days.
[00:14:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Especially yesterday.
[00:14:24] Speaker B: Oh, yesterday was gorgeous. It was.
[00:14:25] Speaker A: Truly, before you get out there and you enjoy that beautiful weather, we want you to enjoy. Birthmark by dizzy on 90.7, the morning show.
Wvuafm tuscaloosa.
[00:14:53] Speaker B: Mayonnaise.
[00:14:55] Speaker A: Collectible mayonnaise.
[00:14:58] Speaker B: You know, here on the Wednesday morning show, we do believe it's an instrument.
[00:15:03] Speaker A: Is mayonnaise an instrument?
The answer is yes, and I'll pantry. Well, let's see. Well, I think it's time for the great segment of the watches. We're bringing all your favorite watches, all your favorite segments into one little block of morning show program.
[00:15:21] Speaker B: That's right. Well, all your favorite watches minus timex. We don't have one of those.
[00:15:27] Speaker A: We don't.
If you'd like to send us one, we'd be appreciated.
[00:15:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I could use a new watch. Danielle, if you have an extra, extra watch, maybe a timex, you know? Yeah.
[00:15:37] Speaker A: I mean, like, you mean you're.
[00:15:38] Speaker B: It's very high quality. It's too big for your gopher arms. You don't need.
[00:15:42] Speaker A: Oh, wait. But she could wear a big necklace.
[00:15:45] Speaker B: Well, that, or she could just use it as a clock.
[00:15:49] Speaker A: If the watch was able to go all the way around her, you know, she'd be a little gopher with a watch on it. She kind of looked like a bomb.
[00:15:55] Speaker B: That's true. Honestly, I think. I think a watch necklace would be some very high fashion.
[00:16:00] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Didn't Taylor Swift have, like, something like that?
[00:16:03] Speaker B: I believe so.
[00:16:04] Speaker A: I feel like it's been done. It's been like wearing watches.
[00:16:07] Speaker B: Danielle can do it better.
[00:16:08] Speaker A: Danielle, let it be. No, Danielle, wear it better.
[00:16:10] Speaker B: Shout out.
[00:16:11] Speaker A: Speaking of Danielle, I think it's time for your favorite segment. Gopher. What?
[00:16:16] Speaker B: You seen any gophers lately?
[00:16:18] Speaker A: No.
It's time for your next segment. Big Al. Wah. Big Al's lately, I have. Just yesterday, in fact, he was at the student center promoting Bama blitz. You know that fundraiser.
[00:16:31] Speaker B: Indeed.
[00:16:32] Speaker A: That raises money for things. It really is for things. It just.
[00:16:36] Speaker B: Everything. It just raises money.
[00:16:37] Speaker A: It just raises money for the university.
[00:16:39] Speaker B: Millions must donate to the theater and dance department.
I will be. That's my fundraising. I think. I think that's the thing I'm gonna fundraise for this year, if that's who you want.
[00:16:50] Speaker A: I think I wanna fundraise for big oil.
[00:16:53] Speaker B: Oh, that's good. Actually, big tobacco. I'm fundraising for big tobacco. Bama blitz for big tobacco.
[00:16:59] Speaker A: Big paper.
[00:17:00] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, big paper.
[00:17:01] Speaker A: I'm a huge red 40 shill.
[00:17:04] Speaker B: Oh, no. You know, I've been saying, why can't I go to the Walmart and buy straight red 40 bottled?
[00:17:10] Speaker A: I know.
[00:17:11] Speaker B: Somebody get the FDA on the line. Make this happen.
[00:17:14] Speaker A: Cause, like, my girlfriend died. Part of her hair pink over spring break.
[00:17:18] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:19] Speaker A: And it looked very good. And I told her, well, I mean, it's starting to kind of, like, fade out now. I feel like you should have just gone for, like, red 40.
[00:17:26] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:26] Speaker A: You know, and do you know irreversible damage? I mean, why not?
[00:17:31] Speaker B: Why not?
[00:17:32] Speaker A: I don't even know if putting red dye 40 in your hair would. That would even do, but I'm sure it's not good.
[00:17:37] Speaker B: Would it dye your. No, it's good for. Red 40 is good for you. If you.
[00:17:41] Speaker A: Red 40 is good for.
[00:17:42] Speaker B: It would increase your, like, your hair's health or something. I don't know.
[00:17:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So big alwatch, he was at the student center. He was taking photos and, you know, he was having a lot of fun with it. I got a. I got a selfie with him.
[00:17:55] Speaker B: Oh, wait, wait. Can we hold this up?
[00:17:57] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah, of course.
[00:17:58] Speaker B: Show all our listeners. Hold it up to the microphone.
[00:18:01] Speaker A: Oh, yes.
[00:18:02] Speaker B: As we all know, when you hold pictures up to the microphone, you can. People who are listening can see them.
[00:18:06] Speaker A: And so I happen to be at the. Here's the picture. By the way, I happen to be at the student center promoting 90.7, the capstone we're giving away merch.
[00:18:15] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. I was gonna table. I signed up, and then they forgot to tell me where we were tabling.
[00:18:22] Speaker A: Always table at the students.
[00:18:23] Speaker B: Oh, I didn't know that I would have, you know. Cause sometimes you table on the quad, sometimes you table other.
[00:18:28] Speaker A: Well, you should.
[00:18:29] Speaker B: You should.
[00:18:29] Speaker A: Next time, just ask me. Be like, hey, do you know what the table is?
[00:18:32] Speaker B: You know, I'll try and table tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thursday.
[00:18:36] Speaker A: And it was me and our programming director. Shout out.
[00:18:40] Speaker B: Shout out summer scroggins.
[00:18:41] Speaker A: Yeah, we were passing out all this kind of stuff. We had, like, 90.7 tote bags.
[00:18:45] Speaker B: They like new.
[00:18:46] Speaker A: They like, say, like, tune in on them.
[00:18:48] Speaker B: Indeed. Yeah. Cause we now have the tune in app. If you're never in a radio, folks.
[00:18:52] Speaker A: For those of you listening on the radio, turn the radio off. Get on, tune in.
[00:18:56] Speaker B: No, I'll keep the radio. But, you know, if you're not in a place with a radio and want to continue listening, we have the tune in app now.
[00:19:02] Speaker A: It is true. And it's. Man, it's just so nice that we have it.
[00:19:06] Speaker B: It is. It's great. You can listen from anywhere in the.
[00:19:08] Speaker A: World, and that means no excuses.
[00:19:11] Speaker B: And theoretically, Kim Jong, you know, honestly, in fact, you think any leader of.
[00:19:17] Speaker A: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea might be.
[00:19:20] Speaker B: I think the chairman of the Workers Party of Korea could be listening. If you're listening, Kim Jong un, please call in and bring Dennis Rodman with you. I want to talk about the 95 96 bulls on air historic.
[00:19:35] Speaker A: You know, that's the thing about Harry Potter. You know, you're supposed to tell me it takes place in the mid nineties and they're not discussing the legendary bulls run.
[00:19:45] Speaker B: I mean, I get there in Britain, but still. Still with that kind of run.
[00:19:49] Speaker A: Oh, it jumps. It jumped the pond for sure.
[00:19:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Now, 1000% now. I mean, yeah. People in Switzerland knew about it. People in Korea.
[00:19:57] Speaker A: So we had the gopher watch.
[00:20:00] Speaker B: We had the big Al watch.
[00:20:01] Speaker A: We had the big Al watch. And it's time for your next favorite segment, the weekly Watch. What did you watch?
[00:20:10] Speaker B: You know, somehow over the entire week, I think I watched a single episode of television.
[00:20:15] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:20:15] Speaker B: But it was a great episode. That's right. So, as you all know, I'm streaming through. It's always sunny. I actually went backwards slightly because I just felt like rewatching an episode.
It's the one. It's d gets a heart attack. So it's quite funny. There's a great story. I'm not going to spoil it for everyone, but it's very funny. It has that famous scene with Charlie and all the papers on the wall where he looks absolutely insane.
[00:20:43] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like conspiracy theory board.
[00:20:45] Speaker B: Conspiracy theory Charlie board.
And it has the one flew over the Cuckoo's nest parody, which is really funny because, as you said over the break, you know, the guy who plays Frank Reynolds.
[00:20:59] Speaker A: Danny Devito.
[00:21:00] Speaker B: Danny Devito himself. The legend.
The Jersey Mike's man.
[00:21:05] Speaker A: He is actually.
[00:21:07] Speaker B: Those Jersey Mike's had to quite fun.
[00:21:08] Speaker A: But I do love it.
[00:21:09] Speaker B: Besides the Jersey Mike subs, you get.
[00:21:11] Speaker A: To see him make it right in front of you. That's the way he says it. Right in front of you. He says, like, front of you.
[00:21:16] Speaker B: Yeah, make it right in front. It sounds like Frank Reynolds speaking. It's great. But that's besides the point. The point is, you know, he was in the one floor of the Cuckoo's nest play, I believe.
[00:21:27] Speaker A: Definitely the movie.
[00:21:28] Speaker B: Definitely in the movie.
[00:21:29] Speaker A: I don't remember.
[00:21:29] Speaker B: Anyway, and so it was quite funny to see the callback to that in that show. There's a whole, like, there are three storylines in this episode, and one of them is Frank Reynolds one flew over the cuckoo's nast parody.
[00:21:40] Speaker A: Basically, he just has, like, health insurance that, like, covers everything.
[00:21:44] Speaker B: Yeah, he does. So he just takes so many drugs for anxiety until he, like, becomes nonverbal and starts adventuring in his underwear and a long sleeve shirt.
You're telling me you haven't been there before?
[00:21:57] Speaker A: We all been there.
[00:21:59] Speaker B: Everyone has those days where they walk around in a raglin and underwear in the streets of Philadelphia.
The only unrealistic part is, he didn't have a cheesesteak in his hand.
[00:22:11] Speaker A: Oh, I didn't have a Philly cheese steak.
[00:22:14] Speaker B: Philly cheese steak. Okay, well, you know. What did you watch, Andrew?
[00:22:18] Speaker A: I watched.
[00:22:19] Speaker B: What have you been watching?
[00:22:20] Speaker A: Oh, I watched ratatouille class the other day.
[00:22:23] Speaker B: Shout out to food.
[00:22:23] Speaker A: Yes.
Shout out to all you food out there.
Yeah. Really might be, like, the best Pixar movie.
[00:22:32] Speaker B: I don't think it's my favorite, but.
[00:22:34] Speaker A: Well, the favorite. And we're not talking cars. It's my favorite.
[00:22:36] Speaker B: Oh, you mean objective.
[00:22:37] Speaker A: I'm talking objective.
[00:22:38] Speaker B: Objectively, it might be the best.
[00:22:39] Speaker A: I think it's like that or like incredibles, that I would say.
[00:22:43] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. That's about right. You know, they're not necessarily, even though they're great ones, and I love them to death. Not my favorite, but objectively, probably the best.
[00:22:52] Speaker A: No, I I couldn't call them my. I love them. They're certainly in my top, you know.
[00:22:57] Speaker B: You know, cars two is definitely my favorite.
[00:22:59] Speaker A: Cars two is.
[00:22:59] Speaker B: I like how material. And he is a spy, no matter.
[00:23:03] Speaker A: How ridiculous it is or the fact that it should have just been a tv. Special materials, tall tales. Yeah. I'll always be really, really passionate about cars, too, because we got to see. I got to see it at Pixar Studios. Oh, I think it was before it came to theaters.
[00:23:19] Speaker B: Well, I'll be done.
[00:23:19] Speaker A: Good at a time. We had a. We had a connection, man, on the inside.
[00:23:24] Speaker B: Well, you know, speaking of ratatouillean food.
[00:23:26] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:23:26] Speaker B: You know, I think we had a grand discussion about food last week, and I just need to offer another food take to our listeners.
[00:23:32] Speaker A: Another food take full of food takes here on 90.7, man. You can tell that we're hungry again.
[00:23:39] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I don't normally eat breakfast.
[00:23:41] Speaker A: And, yeah, I forgot to eat something.
[00:23:43] Speaker B: On the way, but I wake up early for the morning show.
[00:23:45] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:23:46] Speaker B: And so it makes me hungry and want breakfast. So, yeah, I do have a tendency to get hungry on air, but, man, I sure do love Walmart pies. Have you ever had one of these, Andrew? The 74 cent Walmart pies?
[00:23:58] Speaker A: I rarely eat pie in general, much less $0.74.
[00:24:01] Speaker B: They also sell tiny cakes.
[00:24:03] Speaker A: It's like a.
I know what you're talking about.
If I'm gonna get something like that, I'm gonna go to the bakery section and find me, like, a donut or something.
[00:24:11] Speaker B: Maybe so. But, you know, they're very affordable. I'm a big fan of the 74 cent Walmart pies. And I think the people of America just needed to know that. Spread awareness. Spread awareness, yeah.
[00:24:22] Speaker A: Any particular flavor you really like?
[00:24:23] Speaker B: Well, last night I had one of the strawberry cream ones. I'd never had it before, and it was quite good. I normally get the pecan pie one, though.
[00:24:29] Speaker A: Pecan pie.
[00:24:30] Speaker B: Pecan pie.
[00:24:32] Speaker A: That's southern Ouvia.
[00:24:33] Speaker B: Oh, yep.
[00:24:34] Speaker A: We are southern and debatably southern here on 90.7, the morning show. Did you consider Texas? What do you consider Texas?
[00:24:40] Speaker B: Texas is its own. It's, like, halfway between the southwest and the southeast. I feel like it's its own culture thing, or, like, regions are part of the southeast, and regions aren't, like, I'd say it's east. Texas is definitely southern, especially, like, that little strip of land that's, like, cajun in Texas.
[00:24:57] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Because I'd say, geographically, Texas is southwest.
[00:25:01] Speaker B: Yeah. But, like, culturally, it's definitely closer to, like, new Mexico.
[00:25:05] Speaker A: Yeah. But, like, as a whole. Culturally.
Well, it's its own.
[00:25:10] Speaker B: Culturally, it's culturally southeastern, southwestern, and its own thing. I would say it's all three at the same time.
[00:25:15] Speaker A: Yeah. It's a mix, but it's.
It's. But it's still. You can't have the south without Texas either, you know?
[00:25:23] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. It's confusing.
[00:25:24] Speaker A: It's not like you're deep south, but it's your south.
[00:25:26] Speaker B: A and M is in the SEC, and.
[00:25:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. It's that sec kind of south.
[00:25:32] Speaker B: But also. Then again, that means Missouri's in the southeast and Missouri's not in the southeast. It's its own weird thing in between the midwest.
[00:25:38] Speaker A: Yeah, but, miss, let's look.
Missouri is the hardest state to categorize. You know, we've learned this in history.
[00:25:48] Speaker B: Missouri is an aberration and an abomination.
[00:25:51] Speaker A: And finding a compromise didn't help.
[00:25:53] Speaker B: Finding a compromise did not help. Shout out to Henry Clay for trying, though.
[00:25:58] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:25:58] Speaker B: Because the great compromiser, man, that's.
[00:26:02] Speaker A: I love discussing the regional and cultural.
[00:26:06] Speaker B: It's so interesting, you know, theography of the United States. No, it's one. It's so interesting. We have. It's so nice. We live in a wonderful, such culturally diverse nation. I love the little cultures and subcultures of America. It's so interesting. Did you know on the coasts of North Carolina, there are. In this little island, there's a group of people that talk like their pirates are called hoy toiders?
It's so fun.
Sorry. What were you gonna say? I just needed to.
[00:26:37] Speaker A: I was gonna say is you know, just like Texas is real hard one to categorize, especially from personal experience, because I'm from outside of Dallas.
[00:26:45] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:26:45] Speaker A: You know, so it's still like big city, you know, very much Texas, though.
[00:26:50] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:50] Speaker A: You know, but, like, we talk about weekly watches. Have you seen any king of the hill?
[00:26:55] Speaker B: Oh, I love king. I'm so excited that, you know. Have you seen. They're rebooting it.
[00:26:59] Speaker A: Really? I thought that. I don't know if that was happening.
[00:27:02] Speaker B: I'm pretty sure it's happening.
[00:27:03] Speaker A: I know, because, like, the actress for Luann passed away.
[00:27:06] Speaker B: That's. They got a new one, I think. Rip Luan.
[00:27:09] Speaker A: I love. I love King.
[00:27:10] Speaker B: And of course, Tom Petty, the guy who played lucky passed away. Rip. Tom Petty, the late great. One of our great heartland rock singers of the eighties and nineties.
[00:27:20] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah. But, like King. Because even with my experience, I still understood, like, oh, that's a Texas reference right there. You know, like, unmistakably.
[00:27:29] Speaker B: No, I learned so much about Texas culture.
[00:27:31] Speaker A: You really do.
It's very heartfelt, authentically. Texas indeed. But I mean, reboot having. We love to. I love the car. I love Bobby. Dad.
[00:27:44] Speaker B: That'S my purse. I don't know you.
[00:27:49] Speaker A: And then, of course, Dale.
[00:27:51] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:27:51] Speaker A: You think Dale will find out that.
[00:27:54] Speaker B: No, he won't.
[00:27:55] Speaker A: He's got never gonna learn, Dale. Never find out.
[00:27:58] Speaker B: He's never gonna learn about Joseph.
[00:27:59] Speaker A: Will Bill be happy?
[00:28:02] Speaker B: I like to think he will.
Dango drum. Yeah. Is Bob Baumhauer related to boom? How are from king of the Hill? Yeah. I don't know.
[00:28:14] Speaker A: We need a boom, but we need to ask.
[00:28:17] Speaker B: Someone's gotta ask these questions, man.
[00:28:27] Speaker A: The recording software.
[00:28:28] Speaker B: Yeah.
Also, we haven't said the number. If you really want to discuss King of the hill, what's the number people.
[00:28:34] Speaker A: Can call if you want to come share?
[00:28:36] Speaker B: Anything else?
[00:28:36] Speaker A: Favorite parts like king of the Hill. You can call that song you want to.
[00:28:39] Speaker B: Won't play it.
[00:28:40] Speaker A: 205-348-9070 that's 205-348-9070 so share your king.
[00:28:49] Speaker B: Of the hill or Texas takes with us or whatever else you want to yap about. As you can tell, we love yapping here on the morning show.
[00:28:55] Speaker A: You can really just yap about anything that is allowed to be on air.
[00:29:00] Speaker B: That's true, as long as it follows FCC guidelines. Shout out to the FCC.
But yeah, the stars at nine are big and bright deep in the heart of Texas.
[00:29:14] Speaker A: You can get any Texan to do the.
[00:29:16] Speaker B: It's so fun.
[00:29:17] Speaker A: Any way, all the way up to the clap. But after you get, like, to the other verses, it declines.
[00:29:23] Speaker B: No, but it's so funny. Once you start singing it, they'll all clap.
[00:29:27] Speaker A: And to be fair, it's more than just Texans, but it's Texans especially.
[00:29:30] Speaker B: It's like, in there, but like every.
[00:29:32] Speaker A: Texan, it's like, oh, we're taught it in elementary school.
[00:29:35] Speaker B: No, it's like in their subconscious, they naturally do it without thinking about it. It's hilarious.
[00:29:39] Speaker A: And even if they don't do it, you want to do it, you feel compelled to.
[00:29:42] Speaker B: You do. No, it's so funny.
[00:29:43] Speaker A: Like, I could resist if I wanted.
[00:29:45] Speaker B: It's like, it's like some form of psyop or something.
[00:29:48] Speaker A: It might be.
[00:29:48] Speaker B: It's MK. The entire state of Texas has had Mkultra ask mind control put on them.
[00:29:54] Speaker A: That would explain a lot.
[00:29:55] Speaker B: But it's only to do claps to deepen the heart of text.
[00:29:58] Speaker A: Yeah, like, they only got MkUltra to work once, and that's what they used it on.
[00:30:01] Speaker B: That's true.
[00:30:02] Speaker A: That's what they chose, man. What would you have chosen if you could?
[00:30:06] Speaker B: That's a pretty good choice.
[00:30:07] Speaker A: It's pretty good. But would you do, like a different, would you, like, do a hocus pocus? Everybody focus.
[00:30:12] Speaker B: Oh, that would be good. I can't think of what I would. Mkultra.
[00:30:15] Speaker A: You know, that's a pretty fun mkultra. Like, if you could have, like a, if you could mass hypnotize a group, like a large group of people, harm something harmless, you know, as a, as.
[00:30:27] Speaker B: Someone who don't give a piss about nothing but the towel. Yeah, I would, I'd say get someone to say, when I say, when someone says Rammer jammer, everyone goes back. Yeller, hammer, give them. Well, we're on air, so. Heck, Alabama.
[00:30:44] Speaker A: Yeah.
Or like when you say in delight, lyric, get them to say the extra lyric.
[00:30:50] Speaker B: Yeah. They automatically just spent my dollar on beer.
[00:30:55] Speaker A: Yeah, just like that. It'd be fun. But imagine just going to, like the middle of like, bulldogs, Georgia.
[00:31:01] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:31:01] Speaker A: Like going to Athens and getting them to do that. And they know it, but it's like against their will. They know it, but they can't do it. Oh, that reminds me of something. They send the emails out about ticket pack.
[00:31:13] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Did you get, did you get the entire package?
[00:31:16] Speaker A: No.
[00:31:16] Speaker B: Oh, that's so I went to every.
[00:31:18] Speaker A: Home game and a bunch of other.
[00:31:19] Speaker B: Stuff, you know, price, Sabin.
I got the entire package yet again for the second year. We're so back.
[00:31:26] Speaker A: I think. I think you should sell me, like, two of your tickets.
[00:31:31] Speaker B: I don't think I should.
[00:31:32] Speaker A: If you should. I don't think I should know, but I'm choosing the package. I guess we select them tomorrow. So, like, Georgia gives you more games.
[00:31:39] Speaker B: But also there's the iron Georgia.
[00:31:40] Speaker A: Because I'm picking that one. Because one South Florida. Yeah, that one shouldn't be a lot of money to get south Florida.
[00:31:50] Speaker B: Vengeance game.
[00:31:51] Speaker A: Vengeance came, but then we did win.
[00:31:53] Speaker B: Don't care.
[00:31:53] Speaker A: And then you have South Carolina.
[00:31:55] Speaker B: That's gonna be a great game. But I love Beamer.
[00:31:58] Speaker A: It's not like, huge.
[00:31:59] Speaker B: It's not a marquee game, but it's.
[00:32:01] Speaker A: Still a sec game, right?
[00:32:02] Speaker B: Still an sec.
[00:32:03] Speaker A: I might call you a very average sort of ticket price there and then. Auburn would be very that.
[00:32:07] Speaker B: And also, I rock heavily with Beamer ball, I must say.
[00:32:10] Speaker A: But there's two.
[00:32:11] Speaker B: Shout out, Frank Beamer.
[00:32:12] Speaker A: There's two things about the Auburn game, because, one, it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
[00:32:16] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:32:16] Speaker A: So a lot of people, you know, might choose to sell their ticket instead of for that, have a longer thanksgiving break. And so I'm. So the tickets aren't gonna be cheap, but I think they'll be available.
[00:32:32] Speaker B: No, they'll be available, but they will not be.
[00:32:35] Speaker A: But it's. But here's the thing. Because Georgia is early in the season, so for Auburn, it's one of the last games of the season, if not the last home game season. Which means if there's any game to save up for, that's true.
[00:32:45] Speaker B: You have time to save your money.
[00:32:47] Speaker A: It's two, like a cheap game, a mid game and an expensive game. But then on the other side, you have a very expensive game, like two mid games and probably like one cheap game. Yeah, I think no matter which way you slice it, it's cheaper to go for package. What game do you think would be a more expensive ticket? Bama Georgia rematch or Iron bowl?
[00:33:06] Speaker B: It's the Iron bowl. Okay, I get it's Bama Georgia rematch.
And I don't think it's gonna be too much more expensive. Cause it's UGA and they are much better than Auburn.
[00:33:13] Speaker A: But at the same time, Auburn Haight.
[00:33:16] Speaker B: You know, Auburn Haight A and B. Auburn plays like a twelve win team every Iron bowl. Like, I remember, like two or three years ago, it was a.
They ended up going, I think, six and seven that season, counting the bowl game. Or maybe it was five and seven.
[00:33:35] Speaker A: It's because Auburn just spends the whole year getting ready to play.
[00:33:38] Speaker B: Literally, that's how it works now. But there was a very mediocre Auburn team. It was when they had that TJ Finley, I believe, was the transfer from LSU, and they took us to, like, triple or quadruple overtime, and we had to come back just to make it to overtime.
[00:33:52] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:33:52] Speaker B: Like, you know, Auburn always plays up to us every year. It's a heck of a game.
[00:33:58] Speaker A: It's crazy.
[00:33:59] Speaker B: You know, last season, it wasn't the best, but there was a lot of turmoil with the interim coaching and all that. Not last season, but the year before last home game.
[00:34:08] Speaker A: No. To say. Cause, like, shout out, Cadillac Williams.
[00:34:10] Speaker B: That seems like a good guy.
[00:34:11] Speaker A: You know, people talk about, like, last season, but the season before was not a good season.
[00:34:17] Speaker B: Like.
[00:34:17] Speaker A: Cause what? Lost to what? LSU and Tennessee.
[00:34:19] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:34:20] Speaker A: Like, that's bad.
Poor, poor final year for Bryce Young.
[00:34:25] Speaker B: Brass.
[00:34:26] Speaker A: Brass.
But I don't know. I mean, I feel like it's because, like, there's more students now than ever, so it's just getting more and more competitive, you know?
[00:34:38] Speaker B: That's true.
[00:34:39] Speaker A: And it's also, like, I'm not in greek life, you know, and the machine discriminates.
[00:34:45] Speaker B: You know, personally, I don't think there's any attempts at getting students involved in greek life. More tickets than anyone who's an independent.
[00:34:54] Speaker A: No, I'm just making a joke because I'm allowed to criticize the machine. That's the funny part. I'm allowed to criticize the supposed machine. It's not political.
[00:35:04] Speaker B: We're not political.
[00:35:04] Speaker A: It's not political. Are you saying that the machine is political?
[00:35:07] Speaker B: I don't know what. I personally don't know what you're.
[00:35:09] Speaker A: You know, I think you just let some info about the machines slip that you want to talk about, that it's inherently political.
[00:35:21] Speaker B: I. Once again, there's. You know, are you. This isn't like this in Memphis. We're not brass crump here. There's no giant political machine here.
[00:35:29] Speaker A: Oh, that's my mistake.
[00:35:31] Speaker B: Shout out to the great city of Memphis for those who know about Memphis boss Crump. Insanely, like, crazy history behind that guy. And fun fact, one of the first big blues songs written about him. Also, Memphis, great city. If you ever go, highly recommend getting some hot links.
[00:35:46] Speaker A: Really?
Ooh. Oh, sound good? Yeah. And I feel like this question finally got back to food.
[00:35:53] Speaker B: You know, it always gets back to food.
[00:35:55] Speaker A: Like that scene in Ratatouille, you know, the ego, the critic. Like, oh, yeah, he's about to take his notes. He's about to try it and then just the flashback to his childhood.
It goes so hard.
How do you not, like, theaters are erupting in cheer and applaud for such a magnificent scene?
[00:36:20] Speaker B: Unseen magnifico shout out to Ratatouille. Objectively one of the best, as we've said.
[00:36:26] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:36:27] Speaker B: Pixar as well.
[00:36:28] Speaker A: But let's see. We kind of get back to what we were saying before. So, like, with the ticket packages.
[00:36:34] Speaker B: Ticket packages, yes.
[00:36:35] Speaker A: And, man, so I'm gonna do my best. Get one of the packages. They're both good packages.
[00:36:41] Speaker B: Yeah, you're right. I'd go with b, especially. Cause it does have more games.
[00:36:43] Speaker A: Because I feel like the ticket packages last, like, this past season was a no brainer because.
[00:36:49] Speaker B: Oh, 100%.
[00:36:50] Speaker A: Cause there was the. You pretty much. Were you taking the Texas game or you were taking Tennessee? Like, you got the game opener, which is always pretty big. Texas or, no matter who it is, Tennessee LSu. And.
Yeah, I had a fourth one. It was a. I think. No. Wasn't Chattanooga.
[00:37:07] Speaker B: No. Miss was. Was last season at home it was.
[00:37:11] Speaker A: But no way that it was Ole Miss Tennessee.
[00:37:14] Speaker B: No. You may own the same package.
[00:37:16] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:37:16] Speaker B: You meant like.
[00:37:17] Speaker A: No, because I'd say. I'd say, like, the Tennessee LC packages.
[00:37:20] Speaker B: The client, the full ticket package last year. So I have no idea. The separate packages, man.
[00:37:25] Speaker A: So you. This past season as a freshman, but.
[00:37:28] Speaker B: As a sophomore, I got it, like.
[00:37:29] Speaker A: And I've done so much and been so many things.
[00:37:31] Speaker B: I went to a lot of things. I don't know. Maybe I just had better luck last year.
[00:37:35] Speaker A: I mean, I'm in the biggest freshman class in school history.
[00:37:38] Speaker B: That's very true.
[00:37:39] Speaker A: The freshman classes keep for sure. I mean, at least I'm guaranteed lower bowl tickets. That's true.
It's still better than what the freshmen get. So.
[00:37:47] Speaker B: Yeah, God love them. I will say. And hot take this is somehow tying back to food again. The dining options in the upper bowl student section are better than the lower bowl dining options.
[00:37:58] Speaker A: No, the food selection is way more limited.
[00:38:02] Speaker B: But there's this one place in the upper bowl students section. Yeah, that goes insanely hard.
[00:38:07] Speaker A: Which place?
[00:38:08] Speaker B: I think it's, like, fat daddies or something. Anyway, I remember my freshman year, they had these, like, loaded buffalo chicken dip fries. It was like buffalo chicken dip and, like, ranch dressing and shredded, like, cheddar on top of these, like, great, very well seasoned fries. And they were delectable. I used to get them, like, every game.
[00:38:27] Speaker A: Well, your only real option with, like, I don't know, there's, like, those personal pizza things.
[00:38:31] Speaker B: I can't even. Hot dogs, lower bowl. There's really just hot dog, Coneca and maybe chicken finger.
[00:38:38] Speaker A: It's kind of like that all over.
[00:38:40] Speaker B: It is for the most part, but that's what I'm saying. Overall had interesting things in it.
[00:38:43] Speaker A: Yeah, also.
[00:38:45] Speaker B: Yeah, but also, it's the upper bowl, so less good seating.
[00:38:49] Speaker A: It is true. But. So that's kind of the thing is, like, I was always stocking student seats during the season, although I did buy some of my tickets off student, like, not from student seats.
But I don't know. I think I'm just worrying about it too much. I don't think it'll really be a problem.
[00:39:10] Speaker B: It probably. You can always buy, I mean, student seats. They're always affordable tickets to be had.
But, yeah, shout out to them.
[00:39:22] Speaker A: And thank you.
[00:39:25] Speaker B: Oh, now, before we leave you, other than just ticketing day and whatnot, I think it's another major holiday today.
[00:39:38] Speaker A: Another major holiday, huh? You know what?
[00:39:40] Speaker B: I think it could be, my good man.
[00:39:42] Speaker A: What could it be?
[00:39:43] Speaker B: I think it could be.
It possibly is Weezer Wednesday.
[00:39:53] Speaker A: All right. Do you have something that happened on this day in Weaser?
[00:39:56] Speaker B: Oh, I do. Yes. This day, 14 years ago, on April 17, 2010, Weezer released ratitude Happy Record store day as an ep exclusive to independent record stores to celebrate national Record store day.
It had a version of I'm your daddy with Kenny G.
If you're wondering if I want you, I want you to. With Sarah Borelli's herself. Shout out to Sarah Barrelli's. Haven't heard that. Why bother? Live in Tribeca. Brain stew. Like the green day song. They covered it. And an acoustic cover of Buddy Holly.
[00:40:34] Speaker A: Let's see. I'm scrolling right now, and I don't know if we have any of those.
[00:40:37] Speaker B: We definitely have Buddy Holly.
[00:40:38] Speaker A: I know we have the normal buddy Hollywood.
[00:40:39] Speaker B: I'm always playing the regular buddy Holly.
[00:40:42] Speaker A: Then you do not have to say that again.
[00:40:51] Speaker B: There we go. Ooey you. Now here is Buddy Holly. Oh, 90 point seven's Wednesday morning show.
[00:41:04] Speaker A: All right, here's buddy. All by right, Weezoo, wVuafm, Tuscaloosa.
That was vine by glasser. Welcome back to 90.7, the morning show, where we always celebrate the day.
[00:41:32] Speaker B: And, yeah, there's always something to celebrate, I think. And every day is special in its own special way.
And today's a big one for me, at least. Cause today is National Crawfish Day.
[00:41:45] Speaker A: National Crawfish Day.
[00:41:47] Speaker B: I don't know about you. I'm a big crawdad, little guy. Shout out to any crawfish that are listening. Sorry for eating your cousins, but yeah, big, big fan of a crawdad bowl. In fact, I think I'm going to one this weekend.
[00:41:59] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Isn't there somewhere around that does crawfish, like, every week?
[00:42:04] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
Well, there are a couple. Coppertop has a tendency to crawfish boils. There's a crawfish boil every Thursday at Ramajam is the one next to Bryant Daniel.
[00:42:16] Speaker A: That's what I'm thinking of.
[00:42:17] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm a greek Jacob. You know Jacob?
[00:42:20] Speaker A: I know Jacob Deluger.
[00:42:21] Speaker B: His fraternity is doing a crawfish boil.
A pie. Okay, so I was probably gonna do that, and then I was thinking about going to sks because I'm friends with a bunch of them. Anyway, enough. Enough greek life yapping, though. Just crawfish. I love a good crawfish boil. There's nothing like. Now, I will say with crawfish boils. My take is they're not worth it just to eat at. But it's a whole experience.
[00:42:43] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:42:44] Speaker B: Because it's a lot of work. So if you just want to eat, I'd prefer to, like, buy some crawfish tails and make some crawfish at a fey or fry some crawfish tails. If I just want crawfish. But if I want the experience, there is nothing like a crawfish bull. It's like a social occasion.
[00:42:59] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Just the other. Just have, like, big coolers full of crawfish.
[00:43:05] Speaker B: Also hot take. Even though the crawfish is delicious, not the best part of crawfish boil. That award goes either to corn or to sausage inside the bowl.
[00:43:13] Speaker A: Well, that all depends on the cause.
[00:43:14] Speaker B: The corn always soaks up all the flavors. That is true. But the corn always does such a good job of soaking up all the seasonings.
[00:43:20] Speaker A: That's true. Because, I mean, the taking apart is always interesting because very rarely do you eat it when it looks so complete.
[00:43:28] Speaker B: That's true.
[00:43:29] Speaker A: You know, because it'll, like, have its, like, you can see its eyes, you know, and you have to, like, take off its head.
[00:43:34] Speaker B: Like, oh, you got to suck the head, too. Of course. Yeah.
[00:43:36] Speaker A: No, and, like, the way that you take it off, it becomes like a little helmet for your fingers. Like, it's very easy to wear. Make crawfish.
[00:43:43] Speaker B: Have you done it? I haven't done it.
[00:43:44] Speaker A: I gotta say, I did it at a Mardi gras.
[00:43:47] Speaker B: You're inspiring me.
[00:43:48] Speaker A: I had, like, one on each hand, and I made them, like, talk to each other.
[00:43:51] Speaker B: Oh, yes. I think Saturday I'm just gonna walk around with crawfish heads on all fingers.
[00:43:55] Speaker A: That actually sounds amazing.
[00:43:57] Speaker B: It's a genius idea. Great way to celebrate.
[00:43:59] Speaker A: Yeah, but you make little storylines with them.
[00:44:02] Speaker B: It's true. Little plays with.
[00:44:04] Speaker A: In terms of flavor. I mean, I've only had the fresh food one, so I'm not like, I haven't solidified my.
[00:44:09] Speaker B: You only ever eaten crawfish at fresh.
[00:44:11] Speaker A: I've had this crawfish one time.
[00:44:12] Speaker B: I mean, I guess they don't do many crawfish boils in Texas.
[00:44:15] Speaker A: Well, I mean, it's not like they don't. It's just, it's.
[00:44:18] Speaker B: You haven't been to one.
[00:44:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I've never.
Never the convenient thing to do, you.
[00:44:22] Speaker B: Know, it's never a convenient way to eat.
[00:44:24] Speaker A: No, of course not.
[00:44:25] Speaker B: It's probably objectively the least convenient eating. Almost.
[00:44:28] Speaker A: I was almost at a crawfish, but, like, I was almost at a party that's gonna have a crawfish boil. But things have changed. He was gonna be at my friend's grad party, but then she ended up having, like, a. Just like, a family event, like, you know, grad party, and so all her. All her friends.
[00:44:41] Speaker B: No.
[00:44:42] Speaker A: Crawler go. And so I don't even think she ended up making the crawfish. So sad. Anyway, so that was my one chance, but thankfully.
[00:44:49] Speaker B: And then you had. You had fresh. Now, how was the fresh foods crawfish?
[00:44:53] Speaker A: It was pretty good because, like, they were outdoor cooking it, and they had, like, stuff with it. They had, like, nice, like, seasoned vegetables. And I think there was some corn, too.
[00:45:03] Speaker B: Like, the corn, you got the potatoes, the sauce. I feel like big three.
[00:45:07] Speaker A: I don't think fresh food could have done any better.
[00:45:09] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:45:09] Speaker A: And especially with the fact they're a.
[00:45:11] Speaker B: Serve so many kids.
[00:45:13] Speaker A: Yeah. No, I think the only problem was just, like, how. How quickly they probably had to make it. You know, like, I think all the ingredients were there.
I just don't know if the care.
But the line was long, and it moved pretty slowly, so it's not like they were rushing them.
[00:45:27] Speaker B: Yeah, but, you know, but I really make some crawdads. Yeah.
[00:45:31] Speaker A: I'd like to try, like, a real, you know, like a. Like an authentico experience.
[00:45:34] Speaker B: Yeah, authentico. Thank you.
[00:45:38] Speaker A: Hey, try some of the crawfish. Yay.
[00:45:42] Speaker B: But, you know, a crawfish of a crawfish. A parmesan. Yeah.
[00:45:51] Speaker A: Bolognese.
[00:45:52] Speaker B: Bolognese.
We're very authentic italian speakers.
[00:45:57] Speaker A: Muy autantico. A river d'orchi.
[00:46:00] Speaker B: A river dirty.
[00:46:02] Speaker A: But it's not the only day today. No, it's also another day.
[00:46:07] Speaker B: It's another day.
[00:46:08] Speaker A: It's national blah blah blah day. Now. Bubble day. It's celebrated every April 18. And it's really a day.
[00:46:17] Speaker B: Today's the 17th. How does that work?
[00:46:20] Speaker A: Did I say 18th? I meant to say 17th. Okay, if I said the wrong thing.
[00:46:24] Speaker B: But it is today. I can take an affirmed. It was on my. I looked it up on my phone. Today is indeed national blah blah blah blah blah.
[00:46:31] Speaker A: And it's a day to encourage you to just listen to people. To not just hear blah blah blah, but instead listen to what people have to say. Yeah, it's not a day to go blah blah blah blah.
[00:46:41] Speaker B: No, but to listen to people truly listen. I think, you know, we could all.
[00:46:44] Speaker A: Use more listening, what we call use a little bit more listening. But I think we might have something to listen to, you to listen to on 90.7 in the morning show. We're gonna take a quick break and listen to some nice music and we'll see you all here real soon.
Wvuafm, tuscaloosa.
That was bloody tongue by people years.
Welcome back to 90.7, the morning show.
[00:47:27] Speaker B: We have a special guest here in the studio today.
[00:47:30] Speaker A: We didn't announce it because we weren't sure if he could make it. But we are happy to say we have your favorite pachyderm, big ow. Here in the studio. Big L. Why don't you say hi?
Don't be shy, man.
[00:47:50] Speaker B: He's being a little shy.
[00:47:51] Speaker A: He's a little mute.
Would you listen to that?
Wow. Truly inspiring indeed. But man, it's so cool to have you on. You know, you are a beloved character all around campus. And we are such a big fan.
[00:48:12] Speaker B: Indeed. No, I have. We absolutely adore your work, thigal, you.
[00:48:16] Speaker A: Know, well, don't be so modest, okay? Like, you've been doing a tremendous job. You know, you are a standout mascot. Not just here, not just in the SEC, but in the nation, across the country. Cause I can't even name another elephant mascot.
[00:48:35] Speaker B: That's true. He's the only one to ever do it.
[00:48:37] Speaker A: I know. You know, you just know. Who could even possibly compare, you know? And another thing, you know, Big Al is very unique. You know, every. All these other mascots are just football player body with an animal head. But you've got character.
[00:48:56] Speaker B: Not big Al. He has character.
[00:48:57] Speaker A: You have character. Big. Alright. You know, and. But still tremendous physique. Big Al what's your workout routine look like?
[00:49:10] Speaker B: Yeah.
Well, oh, yeah. No, I'm sure it's quite interesting, Miguel.
[00:49:16] Speaker A: You know, if you don't want to talk, you don't have to talk.
[00:49:19] Speaker B: No, no, he's ready to talk about. He definitely has to do some squats.
[00:49:23] Speaker A: Squats? Yeah.
[00:49:24] Speaker B: Yeah. With like, I mean, have you seen the recoil on that thing?
[00:49:28] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:49:34] Speaker B: Wow.
You squat 220.
[00:49:37] Speaker A: Do you squat? I think you need to say that again.
[00:49:40] Speaker B: I'll be danged. Miguel.
[00:49:54] Speaker A: You are quite the impressive elephant.
[00:49:58] Speaker B: Sneakily athletic with that.
[00:49:59] Speaker A: You know, he is sneakily athletic. Cause he's like dancing nonstop throughout the whole game.
[00:50:04] Speaker B: 1000%. It's insane, you know.
[00:50:06] Speaker A: But Big Al's a very busy elephant.
He does have to head out. He's only able to answer a few questions.
[00:50:13] Speaker B: Sadly, he didn't get to stay for yellow Journal.
[00:50:15] Speaker A: No, but big Al, if you wanted to say one more thing before you go, if you'd like to.
Classic, classic big. Alright.
[00:50:31] Speaker B: Classic big Al.
[00:50:32] Speaker A: Classic big Al. All right. Well, big Al just had to head out. But, you know, if you want to see big Al or any of your favorite guests, you know, here on the morning show, you know, reach out to the, you can always reach out to the 90.7 account.
[00:50:50] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:50:51] Speaker A: But if you. We love having fun people on.
[00:50:54] Speaker B: We do. In fact, if, if you have something that you, you would like to discuss on air, give us a holler.
[00:51:00] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Let's see.
[00:51:02] Speaker B: We love to talk about events going on on campus.
[00:51:04] Speaker A: We do love.
[00:51:04] Speaker B: We did a couple weeks ago with the pickleball tournament.
[00:51:07] Speaker A: There was a lot, do you know what was happening a lot on campus yesterday?
Being able to pie people.
[00:51:12] Speaker B: Oh, that's true. There were a lot of pies going on.
I haven't been pied yet this year, but I've been iced. Iced. Ooh, that's ice buckets. Yeah. But it raises a lot of money.
[00:51:23] Speaker A: It does.
[00:51:23] Speaker B: People are very sadistic.
[00:51:25] Speaker A: I did the pie yesterday cause it was $3 a pie.
[00:51:28] Speaker B: That's not bad.
[00:51:29] Speaker A: I got three.
And so there's these, these guys, these poor guys. And they're all in these like stationary bikes. So not only they have to sit there and get pied, but they have to do it while biking.
[00:51:39] Speaker B: Oh, darn.
[00:51:40] Speaker A: And so I chose inside my three pies and I decided to get the same guy. So I pie him. Get him good. Right. You know, I just wait a second before he, right when he starts taking it off, get another puff.
[00:51:52] Speaker B: He'd do it again.
[00:51:53] Speaker A: Another puff. And then I didn't even, like, wait for the last one. I just kind of see what part of his, like, face, you know, I had to make sure it's completely covered. And, man, I say he was. He was quite miserable after that. There was just way more than he's had yet. And it's just he could not get.
[00:52:11] Speaker B: Now, what's. What's the deal with pine people? You never actually use a real pie. You only ever use just cool whip on a pie.
[00:52:17] Speaker A: Well, I mean, now that's. That's what you do nowadays. But it used to be real pie.
[00:52:20] Speaker B: The good old days.
[00:52:21] Speaker A: But, you know, I guess those seventies, I think they wasted a lot.
[00:52:25] Speaker B: I mean, it costs a lot of money to make that many pies.
[00:52:28] Speaker A: I guess it does.
[00:52:29] Speaker B: You know, the 74 cent pies might be a little tiny to pie.
[00:52:31] Speaker A: I think there should be, like, all those pie events should have, like, a real pie.
[00:52:36] Speaker B: Yeah, if you pay extra, you get.
[00:52:38] Speaker A: Yeah, if you pay ridiculous. You know, $100.
[00:52:42] Speaker B: $100 for the real pie.
[00:52:44] Speaker A: $50 for the real pie.
[00:52:45] Speaker B: You know, doing that and just walking back and eating the pie.
[00:52:48] Speaker A: I know. I would just, like, buy. Imagine just like, buying that pie and then just eating it.
[00:52:54] Speaker B: That'd be a hoot.
[00:52:57] Speaker A: No, no, but seeing all these different fundraising events because. Because it was a nice day or, I don't know if it was because it's a nice day, but all these.
[00:53:03] Speaker B: That would make sense because people are out and about, you know, the student.
[00:53:06] Speaker A: Center was full, like both sides full of tabling and stuff like that. It looked like a regular get on board day. But, yeah, at the student center, I was. It was actually really cool, you know, and of course, 90.7, the Capstone WVUA FM was a part of that.
[00:53:20] Speaker B: Indeed. Yeah. Tomorrow, come on down in the afternoon and visit our table.
[00:53:24] Speaker A: You know, we. With our sitting right next to our sister organization, 1956 magazine.
[00:53:30] Speaker B: Indeed.
[00:53:31] Speaker A: And, you know, and on Thursday, they're gonna be handing out the Crimson White.
[00:53:35] Speaker B: Ooh.
[00:53:36] Speaker A: You know, Crimson White is where we get all our news.
[00:53:38] Speaker B: It is where we get all our news and views. In fact, Andrew. Yeah. I think I could have some news and views pulled up right now, mayhaps even.
[00:53:48] Speaker A: Really?
[00:53:50] Speaker B: Yeah. This is big news. So along.
So where did it go? This is excellent. No. Okay. No, that's actually too old of news now that I look at it. Don't want to give our listeners old news.
Here we go.
Ethan Henry, the news editor of the Crimson White.
[00:54:11] Speaker A: All right.
[00:54:14] Speaker B: Forgive me, dear listeners. I yawned anyway.
Police chase through campus results in damage to several cars.
[00:54:21] Speaker A: Oh, wow.
[00:54:22] Speaker B: Police pursued a driver and a Dodge challenger the campus at high speed Saturday night, and the driver hit two cars on Mars Spring Road and multiple vehicles on Jack Warner Parkway.
[00:54:30] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:54:31] Speaker B: It says that a Tuskegee police officer said he, and I quote, nearly hit two vehicles in an officer. According to Stephanie Taylor, the pursuit continued through Vance, Helena, and Hoover.
[00:54:44] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:54:46] Speaker B: All the way through Hoover, which is crazy.
[00:54:50] Speaker A: Dang.
[00:54:51] Speaker B: And he's been charged with felony attempting to elude and reckless endangerment. Thankfully, as far as we know, through this newspaper article, no one was hurt.
[00:55:00] Speaker A: That's. Thankfully. I heard about people racing through the strip, narrowly hitting people.
[00:55:05] Speaker B: No, it was insane. I nearly got hit by somebody making an illegal u turn.
I forget where. But, you know, the road in, like, in between, like the math and science building and the claw and, like, Smith hall. And someone did, like, a extremely fast illegal u turn when I was trying to cross the street.
[00:55:24] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:55:25] Speaker B: I don't. Yeah.
[00:55:26] Speaker A: Cause I usually feel like I'm pretty safe over. That's a lot of.
[00:55:28] Speaker B: Yeah, it was crazy.
[00:55:30] Speaker A: And it's cause Tuscaloosa drivers are already bad enough. Then you have like, the recklessness of all this a day stuff, and you're asking for something bad to happen.
[00:55:39] Speaker B: Yeah, you are. Thankfully, as far as I know, no one was run over and seriously hurt on a day.
[00:55:43] Speaker A: No, that's last running over.
[00:55:45] Speaker B: In fact, I know of was my big a couple months ago. Shout out to Scott Garrett if you're listening. Scotty, we love you.
But he managed to get run over.
He was fine, though. Amazing. He was just banged up a little and he had a couple scabs on the face. Yeah. I mean, that's the last running over on campus I heard of.
[00:56:04] Speaker A: That's all we can really hope. Well, I know, because now this was a few weeks, not a few weeks ago, probably like two months ago, there was a really big, bad hit and run.
[00:56:16] Speaker B: Oh, God. Really?
[00:56:17] Speaker A: Right outside the student center parking garage.
[00:56:19] Speaker B: Oh, no. Were they okay?
[00:56:20] Speaker A: Yeah, they were okay because there was a guy that were on a scooter on a bike or something. Right? And they're in the bike lane and they're going like, sort of towards the student center. Right. And a car leaves the student center parking garage, you know, and then that exit and just speeds out of there. You know, I think they were trying to get out in front of the bike person, or I think it was a scooter. But if they just waited 2 seconds, the scooter person would have passed and it looked like because they really slammed on it. So either they didn't see them or they were trying to beat them out. Either way, they hit them dead on. The guy fully flips over the car. The scooter gets dragged under the car. You could hear it scraping. As the car drives away, a piece of the car is taken off in the car. Like it slows down for a second and decides to speed off.
And so this pretty, this kid, and he's, he's lying there, thankfully. He seemed pretty okay. No 911 was called and all that, but, like, this guy, you know, on the scooter, like, like he was passing, you know, the sidewalk that goes across the parking garage.
[00:57:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:27] Speaker A: You know, he was like, right in front of. Because I was right in, about to cross that sidewalk when it happened. Like, if I, you know, I'm thinking, like, if I'm. If I left my room, like, just like 10 seconds earlier, like, that could have been you. Could have been me being run over.
[00:57:43] Speaker B: Thankfully, it wasn't.
[00:57:45] Speaker A: Thankfully it wasn't. But, oh, you know, and I was. And I couldn't stay. There was a lot of people there, so I didn't feel bad, but, like, I couldn't stay the make until, like, the people arrived because I had somewhere I really needed to get to. But it was.
I still was a little shooken up for, like, the rest of that day, especially not knowing what. What happened. But I heard, but. And I bring it up because just like last week, I heard someone that, like, knew, like, part of the story after that and they found out that, like, the guy came back, like, the car guy, like, came back and there's like six cops there and he willingly came back and was like, yo, I, uh.
This is me. Yeah.
[00:58:25] Speaker B: Well, in that case, why would you leave? Because you know you're gonna get hit with another charge from the hit and run even in the first place.
[00:58:33] Speaker A: No, this is the he said, she said of it, but heard that it was. It was a guy driving with a girl, I think his girlfriend, and she convinced him to go back. Oh, with something like that, I gotcha. But I couldn't. I. Cuz it all happened so quickly. I didn't look to see if there was a driver or multiple people.
I tried to get a look at the license plate. That's. That was like my first thought, but like, before I could, like, get my phone out and like, try to take a picture, it's all gone. But that's, that's what I heard is that they came back and then the cops just kind of surrounded them.
[00:59:04] Speaker B: That's insane stuff.
[00:59:05] Speaker A: But from everything I hear, the person is okay.
[00:59:07] Speaker B: Well, thankfully.
So no serious injuries related to being ran over or ran into on campus.
[00:59:15] Speaker A: I certainly hope not. But you talk about run over, but that's pretty much what happened. And it almost happened. Another thing, like, to me, I was walking to a taco mama, this one does. And I have the walk sign, right?
[00:59:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:59:27] Speaker A: So I'm in the middle of walking. And I assume that when a pedestrian's walking with the walk sign, they should have the right of way.
[00:59:33] Speaker B: That's how it works.
[00:59:33] Speaker A: And there's a car trying to turn left.
And so I'm walking, I'm in the middle of the road when the car's, like, turning left really fast. And, like, I run. I kind of run out of the way, you know, like, I run across the street.
[00:59:46] Speaker B: Some people don't understand who has right away.
[00:59:48] Speaker A: I know. Well, they weren't actually. They weren't going that fast because, like, in a situation where you know that's going to happen, you can be like, all right, you know, you can play the whole insurance game.
[00:59:57] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:59:57] Speaker A: You know, super damaged. But, like, when you're not expecting that to happen, you know, your fight or flight kicks in and it's like 100%, I gotta shoot, get out of the way, you know, and that's. And that's what happened. And sometimes you just got to run.
[01:00:10] Speaker B: In the car, hopefully. Hope the injury isn't gonna be too bad.
[01:00:13] Speaker A: And it's super emotional damages.
[01:00:15] Speaker B: Think about the money, you know, because.
[01:00:16] Speaker A: The first rule, stay down.
[01:00:18] Speaker B: Stay down.
[01:00:19] Speaker A: Because if you are actually hurt, do not move.
And that's, you know, because if you get up and if you are a.
[01:00:25] Speaker B: Hurt, it makes you seem like you're hurt.
[01:00:27] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:00:27] Speaker B: Make sure you grab your neck. Always grab your neck.
[01:00:30] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[01:00:31] Speaker B: This is how, dear listeners, is how you commit insurance fraud. Make sure to listen. Grab the neck.
[01:00:36] Speaker A: In a video game.
[01:00:37] Speaker B: In a video game, theoretically. Roll out. Grab the neck. FCC. If you're listening, this is time out in a video game that we play called Live Simulator 2024.
[01:00:47] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. The new update.
[01:00:48] Speaker B: Great new game.
[01:00:49] Speaker A: It's how you beat the game.
[01:00:50] Speaker B: It's how you beat the game. Free money hack. Yeah, free money glitch.
[01:00:54] Speaker A: Money glitch.
[01:00:54] Speaker B: Free money glitch. If you know.
[01:00:56] Speaker A: No download free virus.
[01:01:01] Speaker B: Download free virus.
[01:01:07] Speaker A: No download free virus. 20, 2500 gems.
But, yeah, so, okay, so stay down. Grab the neck.
[01:01:17] Speaker B: Grab the neck.
[01:01:17] Speaker A: Do you like. Oh, come on. Or do you pretend like you're knocked out?
[01:01:25] Speaker B: See, that's not how I've always been told. I told, moan and pain. Moan and pain.
[01:01:29] Speaker A: Moan and pain. And what button do you press to moan in pain again?
[01:01:33] Speaker B: I think if it's less. Stick to the side. Hold rt.
[01:01:38] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Cause it's.
[01:01:39] Speaker B: While pressing a. While double tapping a.
[01:01:41] Speaker A: Don't tell me that's kind of a complicated maneuver there. It is a bit complicated.
[01:01:46] Speaker B: There are many things to do in life.
[01:01:47] Speaker A: All right. So you're doing that then what, there, you know?
[01:01:52] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:01:53] Speaker A: Because then you're not in a state to exchange insurance information.
Because if you. But if you act like you're too bad and, like, 911 gets called on you.
[01:02:01] Speaker B: Well, that's why eventually, after, like, about a minute, you roll up and then, like, struggle to get up, but still get up.
[01:02:09] Speaker A: Okay. Because you got to, like, do it before someone can call 911 or you're stuck with those ambulances. And then you have to, like, reset, you know, the software.
[01:02:16] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:02:17] Speaker A: And then reload the level.
[01:02:18] Speaker B: Yeah, you have to reload the level if.
[01:02:20] Speaker A: Okay, so there's a. There's a lot of. So not only if you get all the button presses, but it's also the.
[01:02:24] Speaker B: Time you have to get the timing down. It's a very complicated, but it's a free money glitch. So you. We would expect it to take a little effort.
[01:02:31] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. But, yeah. So that. I almost contemplated trying to play that level when I was going to taco mama.
[01:02:40] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:02:41] Speaker A: But I'm, like, my natural crazy.
[01:02:44] Speaker B: They have taco mom in a video game.
[01:02:45] Speaker A: Yeah, it was DLC. Ah, it's DLC. It was like a Tuscaloosa DLC. You know, they. They added, like, everything but, like, football. Yeah, it's like, it's gonna be a separate DLC because I know people will buy just.
[01:02:56] Speaker B: Yeah, they need more money. Just the football and big Al. Big lds.
[01:03:00] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Like, the NCAA 25 or whatever it is.
[01:03:04] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[01:03:05] Speaker A: I could. Mascot. There better be a mascot.
[01:03:08] Speaker B: There better be a mascot. Mascot.
[01:03:09] Speaker A: Be able to just play Big Al.
[01:03:11] Speaker B: I used to love playing that when.
[01:03:12] Speaker A: I was gonna run the triple option with Big Al.
[01:03:15] Speaker B: Big Al and the wishbone.
Run the wishbone. Dang it.
Offenses, don't we?
[01:03:22] Speaker A: What kind of player do you think Big Al is? Do you think he's, like, a lineman?
[01:03:25] Speaker B: I think he's a tailback.
[01:03:26] Speaker A: Tailback.
[01:03:28] Speaker B: That's a halfback if I've ever seen.
[01:03:29] Speaker A: Why is that?
[01:03:30] Speaker B: I don't know. It just makes sense.
[01:03:31] Speaker A: I know. I feel like he would be a.
[01:03:33] Speaker B: Good center, maybe, but also, I just imagine Big Al getting the hand off and running straight up the gut.
[01:03:38] Speaker A: Yo. Wait, that's like when a player on defense gets the ball like this huge guy.
[01:03:43] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[01:03:44] Speaker A: And you just see them like, actually.
[01:03:45] Speaker B: No, Big Al would be a fullback.
[01:03:47] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:03:48] Speaker B: Rip the fullback position. It's still alive in my heart. But sadly, we don't use it as much as we used to.
[01:03:53] Speaker A: I think Big Al enjoys being a cheerleader more than anything.
[01:03:56] Speaker B: That's true. And he's found his name.
[01:03:58] Speaker A: It makes me wonder if Big Al is one of those people that, you know how sometimes you'll hear someone that's in the band or cheerleader or something that, who's so involved in the game but doesn't know if football works?
[01:04:10] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, 100%.
[01:04:11] Speaker A: Do you think maybe that's big? Alright.
[01:04:14] Speaker B: I feel like maybe, but at the same time, I feel like after the, you know, it's been so many years. It's been since the eighties. Maybe he, I think he now has a grasp of the game.
[01:04:21] Speaker A: Well, here's the thing is, but also.
[01:04:24] Speaker B: As we know, he has a very like, childlike whimsy about it. That's true.
[01:04:28] Speaker A: But he also doesn't care if we lose.
[01:04:30] Speaker B: That's also true. He's just happy to be there.
[01:04:32] Speaker A: Like, well, he's also, I mean, I don't know, he'll like pretend to be so Instagram, but if you see him at the game, he's just living his best life.
[01:04:39] Speaker B: He is.
[01:04:40] Speaker A: That's true. Cause big Al loves the game.
[01:04:43] Speaker B: He loves the game. He's a purist. He just loves the game.
[01:04:46] Speaker A: Sport, you know, he does love the sport.
[01:04:47] Speaker B: He's a student of the game.
[01:04:48] Speaker A: Well, he loves, I'm not so much. Pearson's where he loves Alabama football. As long as Alabama football is going tighter playing.
[01:04:55] Speaker B: He's a cheery pachyderm, but he also.
[01:04:57] Speaker A: Gets especially excited when something good happens.
[01:05:00] Speaker B: That's true.
[01:05:00] Speaker A: But I think that's more him feeding off the excitement of everyone around him.
[01:05:03] Speaker B: That could be true.
[01:05:05] Speaker A: Could be true.
[01:05:06] Speaker B: Big if true.
[01:05:08] Speaker A: Big al if big ale if true. What were we saying before? What were we saying before? The. The big owl rambling life simulator. Live simulator. That's right.
[01:05:18] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:05:19] Speaker A: But some running over, no doubt. So have you had your survival instincts kick in anytime recently?
[01:05:26] Speaker B: No, not really. Mine is when I nearly got run over in live simulator by the illegal u turn. By illegal u turn.
[01:05:34] Speaker A: See, it's always those Tuscaloosa drivers you gotta watch.
[01:05:38] Speaker B: Noted. Noted. Famed boss illegal u Turner.
[01:05:43] Speaker A: Oh, yes. Yes. All right. So as we begin getting towards the end of our show here. Do you have anything this week you're.
[01:05:50] Speaker B: Really looking forward to eating crawfish? More stage crew?
I'm writing a couple papers.
[01:06:00] Speaker A: Oh, wait. Musical theater wise.
[01:06:02] Speaker B: Musical theater. How did we forget there?
[01:06:04] Speaker A: I. This is a great thing to end on.
[01:06:06] Speaker B: I've been saying a lot of she loves me. Let me tell you.
[01:06:08] Speaker A: A lot of she loves me. But, you know, there is, you know, the other story. You know, lots of.
[01:06:14] Speaker B: I did see a musical this weekend.
[01:06:16] Speaker A: I see a musical this weekend by a famous director. Famous director Jacob DeLuca and Richard Jenkins. And Richard Jenkins. Made by famous writers Richard Jenkins and Jacob DeLuca.
It was quite a. Quite a show performance.
[01:06:34] Speaker B: Indeed. It's those who don't know. It was in the Ferg Saturday.
[01:06:39] Speaker A: It was noted musical to drain a reservoir.
And now. Now that it's already happened and no one can see the show again, I feel like now we can talk about, like, the story and the things like that. And so you never know.
[01:06:57] Speaker B: There could be a revival, maybe, but, you know, we're not ready for the off break off Broadway revival in 2032.
[01:07:03] Speaker A: Talk about it, because unfortunately, due to a very full schedule, I know you weren't able to out of the show.
[01:07:11] Speaker B: We had to drop out of the show.
[01:07:12] Speaker A: We had a show.
[01:07:14] Speaker B: Richard was a great stand up.
[01:07:15] Speaker A: So Richard, who's one of the writers and directors, who was really the man behind the camera, was able to fill in. And while he gave a great version of his performance, we didn't see the original Christian Martin, Scarlet Beauregard, who still exists in media, and Deckard in the.
[01:07:33] Speaker B: Media, in the Deckard news. Yeah.
[01:07:35] Speaker A: Which I'm really glad that your character still exists.
[01:07:37] Speaker B: Leviticus Beauregard does still exist.
[01:07:40] Speaker A: You know, and, you know, if there's.
[01:07:42] Speaker B: An off off Broadway.
[01:07:43] Speaker A: If we had all the footage, I would love that. When to drain a reservoir gets uploaded as an edited video to YouTube. If we were able to have both mayor versions.
[01:07:51] Speaker B: That's true, because there is footage of me.
[01:07:54] Speaker A: Yeah, we just don't have all of it. The idea was to fill in the rest of the wide shots.
[01:07:58] Speaker B: That's true.
[01:07:58] Speaker A: But you're still very familiar with the project.
[01:08:01] Speaker B: This is true.
[01:08:01] Speaker A: And I'd love to talk about, like, what you thought were, like, the. And as, like, someone who was able to watch it, as someone who's in it, like, what you thought the best parts were.
[01:08:10] Speaker B: Um, you know, I've always been partial and I'm always partial to the judge song.
[01:08:14] Speaker A: The judge song. The worst part about being a judge, you know, I.
[01:08:19] Speaker B: And it also always. A line that always hits for me is.
And that's my favorite part about being a judge.
[01:08:28] Speaker A: I loved that song. Cause I'm in that song. I play the drums.
[01:08:33] Speaker B: That's true.
[01:08:35] Speaker A: Cause Jacob is a very involved sort of director in terms of practicing for things. And he wanted to work on everything but that song. Cause it was like his thing. He wanted to work on what everyone else was doing. And so I was like, come on, we gotta do the judge song. We gotta do the judge song. So I pretty much put myself in that song on the drums and pretty much helped him figure out how to sing it so well. My character, the bailiff, didn't have too much of his own singing. I was heavily involved in making sure that the judge song got the attention.
[01:09:12] Speaker B: Sleepy bailiff always napping.
[01:09:16] Speaker A: The judge really might be the best character.
[01:09:18] Speaker B: I think he very well.
[01:09:19] Speaker A: Because he has what I think is the funniest line. When the mayor.
[01:09:25] Speaker B: Oh, shut up, Scarlett.
[01:09:26] Speaker A: Yeah, there was an objection. And then the mayor says, objection.
[01:09:30] Speaker B: Wait, no, let me get in the boss.
[01:09:32] Speaker A: Yeah, okay.
[01:09:32] Speaker B: Objection. Leading question.
[01:09:35] Speaker A: Shut up, Scarlet. I'm the judge. Objections don't work on me.
[01:09:39] Speaker B: Objection.
[01:09:40] Speaker A: The shut up, Scarlett. I'm the judge.
[01:09:42] Speaker B: Objections.
I'm the judge.
[01:09:44] Speaker A: It's not even the objections part. It's just the. Shut up.
[01:09:46] Speaker B: Shut up, Scarlet. I'm the judge.
[01:09:47] Speaker A: It's so funny. And then we have the jury. The jury. Phenomenal work. Because the jury, they showed up there like at every rehearsal, like learning their songs. Like so much of the show is. We are jury is. Yeah. So much of the show is carried by the jury.
[01:10:04] Speaker B: The Greek.
[01:10:04] Speaker A: And they lived up. They really are.
[01:10:06] Speaker B: And then now I'm partial line wise, if we have one line to another judge line, actually.
[01:10:13] Speaker A: Uh huh.
[01:10:14] Speaker B: I hereby disbar you for being evil.
[01:10:19] Speaker A: That is such a good.
[01:10:20] Speaker B: That one hit I love.
[01:10:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. So from the audience perspective, that, of course, the audience. What lines hit the best with audits. What got the most reaction?
[01:10:28] Speaker B: Erm. What the spruce got the most reaction?
[01:10:31] Speaker A: Everything.
[01:10:31] Speaker B: Like a blunt in joke. Yes, the expert. It's Luke Anderson.
[01:10:35] Speaker A: Yeah, it's the inspector.
[01:10:36] Speaker B: It's the expert. Formerly the inspector in last year's musical. I don't. Have you ever seen.
[01:10:40] Speaker A: I've just heard about it.
[01:10:42] Speaker B: Oh, you have to watch. It's on YouTube.
[01:10:43] Speaker A: It is.
[01:10:44] Speaker B: You should give. Could be your musical theater. Watch for dead week. You could watch hit musical featuring me as Fred.
Why am I blanking on the name of things?
I remember all this. What was the name of the musical. I was in that. God, guys, you say Deadwick.
[01:11:07] Speaker A: Are we able to have this show here?
[01:11:10] Speaker B: We are. I'm pretty sure there's nothing stopping us. We did it last year. Semester.
[01:11:14] Speaker A: During dead week.
[01:11:15] Speaker B: Because. I know.
[01:11:15] Speaker A: Okay, we can. Now we can't do it finals week. So is next week the last morning show?
[01:11:20] Speaker B: You know, it could be. Well, let's not think about that.
[01:11:23] Speaker A: Not last, but at least last of the year. Cause with schedules. And.
[01:11:28] Speaker B: Please remain. How did I forget the name of. Please remain seated. I apologize. Yes, but hit musical. Please remain seated.
Available on YouTube. All 49 minutes and 5 seconds out of it.
[01:11:39] Speaker A: Nice.
[01:11:40] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:11:40] Speaker A: And during a reservoir is probably gonna be about an hour. Yeah, I think when we run through it. I know. Here's the one thing about our new mayor is he dropped the New Hampshire line.
[01:11:49] Speaker B: No, he did. I saw that he dropped like two or three last lines. That's one of the best lines. No, because that ties in with Deckard News.
[01:11:57] Speaker A: No, because not only does it time with Deckard News. But it's.
[01:11:59] Speaker B: The dastardly people of New Hampshire scene.
[01:12:03] Speaker A: Before revolves around the New Hampshire reveal.
[01:12:05] Speaker B: In the next scene, he whispers, New Hampshire. I noticed that.
[01:12:09] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:12:10] Speaker B: And also it ties into mister good song. Because he says up north.
[01:12:13] Speaker A: Yeah, so that.
[01:12:15] Speaker B: I didn't know that was the only.
[01:12:16] Speaker A: Line drop that really hindered any sort of story. But so for people who watch it live, he was supposed to say New Hampshire and everyone was supposed to go crazy.
[01:12:25] Speaker B: Yeah, because we hate New Hampshire. Because the thing is, there is a bit in the Deckard biblical canon.
In which Scarlet Wittisberger, as played by me in Deckard News, he's giving a press conference. Because basically what has occurred is fair bend, Alabama was supposed to be the first primary in the nation. And they were supposed to hold that title. And New Hampshire beat him to it. And New Hampshire, like undercut him. And so there's a great plot against Fairband Alabama. By dastardly agents of New Hampshire. By evil yellow bellied cowards in New Hampshire.
[01:13:02] Speaker A: Yeah, I love that bit. Dark red news is such a good video.
[01:13:06] Speaker B: It's a great video. It's a great short film anyway. And so it really incenses people when they learn their water, out, of all places, being sold to the dastardly residents of New Hampshire.
[01:13:15] Speaker A: And so was it with that line. But afterwards we could put enough of the set back together to record him saying it.
[01:13:23] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:13:23] Speaker A: So we made sure to. So sorry for people who saw it live. But the video, it's gonna be perfect. We have so much footage, like the lighting, the camera work. It's gonna be. It's not just gonna be a recording of the show, which we just have, but it's like, you know, professionally sort of, sort of done. And I think it's gonna be a great coming out this summer, you know, theater near you. But I think we should get, like, a hashtag releasetheChristian cut going. That's true. You know, we just, like, put in, like, the footage we already have of you. Get you back in to record, like, a little bit more on green screen or whatever.
[01:13:54] Speaker B: No, I think personally, we should keep, like, the wide shots with Richard, but then with the close ups, the close ups with you, it just makes no sense.
[01:14:02] Speaker A: Well, I like the canon that the icar news. And Richard, you got the same guy. Cause character, you're the same guy. He's had work done.
[01:14:10] Speaker B: He's had work done.
[01:14:11] Speaker A: He's taller.
[01:14:12] Speaker B: He got, like, that, like, experimental surgery that makes people taller. And he got, like, lasik eye surgery.
[01:14:17] Speaker A: He got Lasik. He got taller, dyed his hair, got a new haircut.
[01:14:22] Speaker B: He's just got a lot of work done.
[01:14:24] Speaker A: Same guy, you know, different voice, too.
[01:14:27] Speaker B: Different voice, different eyes. Yeah, generally different everything. He got less southern somehow.
[01:14:32] Speaker A: You did get a little less southern somehow. That was one thing you always have is you, you really know, brought the southern role to the.
[01:14:39] Speaker B: It's quite easy. All it is is go nonreliable. You try and sound like somebody from South Alabama. Now, I do declare that the we simple folk will not. Well, it's actually that we simple folk will hold to the biblical canon and not abdicate our God given right to Crystal Lake.
[01:14:57] Speaker A: Yeah, because you.
[01:14:58] Speaker B: That's God. You don't say your oz.
[01:15:01] Speaker A: Yeah, you brought some of that, like, old money kind of, you know, sort of vibe to it, but, you know. Cause Scarlett's a good guy.
[01:15:08] Speaker B: He's a good guy.
[01:15:09] Speaker A: The only reason he acts like that is because the town people are insane.
[01:15:12] Speaker B: And he's like, yeah, there's no way. If I actually just play this clean, there's no way that the right thing.
[01:15:16] Speaker A: Will be done, you know? But then he learns kind of from Cathy Marvin, that, like, that you can.
[01:15:21] Speaker B: Do the right thing and still get results.
[01:15:23] Speaker A: So what did you think of the last song?
[01:15:26] Speaker B: I really enjoy it.
Minus, did it get cut? Or was I one just imagining that it was in there and it was just Thomas playing a bit the entire time? The bit about you're not immune to propaganda.
Thomas might have just been doing that in a Mickey Mouse voice during rehearsals, and it made me think that was in there.
[01:15:46] Speaker A: Oh, well, the thing is, the last.
[01:15:50] Speaker B: You know, the line I'm talking about at the end, whenever Thomas is doing his little Mickey Mouse voice.
[01:15:54] Speaker A: Yeah, but a lot of.
A lot of stuff at the ending got rewritten. Yeah, it did get rewritten.
[01:16:02] Speaker B: I'm sad. I'm sad I missed the.
None of you were immune to propaganda.
That was a terrible.
[01:16:09] Speaker A: I don't remember that being in the.
[01:16:11] Speaker B: I swear that was in there.
[01:16:12] Speaker A: But the ending got rewrote so many times that I don't even know that's true. So we had a. And he loved to just throw stuff in, especially at, like, rehearsals. Like, unless we were doing, like, a very specific, like, all right, this is, like, a real run through. He would just kind of mess around, do bits. But anyway, you had, like, that last song, so for those of you, no one knew how the. How the musical was gonna end until, like, the Thursday before the show, just several days before. So there was lyrics written. Like, the lyrics for the last song were written, but we didn't know how the music would go. And so then it was, you know.
[01:16:53] Speaker B: As you say, I remember at one point, we, like, played a beastie boy songs like beat out loud. Which one was it? Yeah, intergalactic. I want to say something like that, but.
[01:17:02] Speaker A: And it's. But, like, the piano, like that. The. You know, the jury had. Yeah, they found, like, the hip hop setting on it. Like, there's just the little drum loop. And then, like, we played it. And then at first, like, ava played. Kathy Marvin was like, I'm not. Not doing this. But then we're like, no, just try it. Right? And so we saw that the lyrics that were written worked perfectly with the hip hop setting, unintentionally. And so without having to change the lyrics at all, put them to the tune of that hip hop beat. And it was really funny. And we have not laughed harder than the day that we started singing that song for the first time at that, like, Thursday night rehearsal. It was like, 1030 at night. Like, rehearsal was already running late.
That was the rehearsal that I found. I saw you outside after.
[01:17:52] Speaker B: This is true.
[01:17:53] Speaker A: And, yeah, and then once that happened, we were like, we can't do this, can we? And then we did. And I'm so happy that it ended like that.
[01:18:03] Speaker B: Shout out to the hip hop beat.
[01:18:04] Speaker A: You know. You know, everyone deserves a slice of the pie. Just making a pizza takes more than one guy. The doughboy, the sauce girl, the cheese guy together. That's how you. You changed the world for the better.
[01:18:17] Speaker B: Shout out to Mister Peabody for that. Shout out to Mister Peabody.
[01:18:19] Speaker A: Because his, like, not to be confused.
[01:18:21] Speaker B: With Sherman featuring his hat that didn't draw nearly enough last as I thought it should have.
[01:18:27] Speaker A: Yeah, it's because it happened so quickly. It was quite, you know, there's not enough time to really like, let the, let the joke sink in, you know.
Hey, you're Marvin. Don't distort it. I work at jobs to pay my mortgage. It's not as though I don't have the courage. We're living through a pizza.
[01:18:41] Speaker B: The pizza shortage.
[01:18:42] Speaker A: The pizza shortage bit. Pizza is really funny.
[01:18:45] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:18:46] Speaker A: But, you know, hungry.
[01:18:47] Speaker B: How is if you can hear us, help save the pizza. Help save fair Ben from a pizza shortage.
[01:18:51] Speaker A: But like, Joaquin, you know, the hat bit. Yeah, he did that at rehearsal because like, it was like his turn to come in. Like when we were running it, like for the first time ever. I don't remember. I don't even think it was his hat, but he had the hat and he just jumped in in OB when we were rehearsing with the hat. And we're already dying because we've never done this before. And if it just keeps breaking, it was.
That was the most fun bit of rehearsal, was just doing that song for the first time. But it all culminated. And another thing, you know, Kathy Marvin was never able to deliver that song without breaking.
Not a single time. Not a single time until the performance. Shout out to Ava Sweeney for that shout out, Ava. But yeah, so it all came together. The lots of twists and turns, ups and downs. You know, what was originally supposed to be a movie filmed last semester. Last semester was. Became a musical that was performed last weekend. A lot sacrifices and changes had been made. Some good, some bad.
[01:19:51] Speaker B: But yeah, through it all, it exists. Anyway, this reminds me, I also, along with singlehand, it was great. I saw Eurydice. Shout out to Eurydice by Sarah. I forget her last name. A great crimson stage production. Everyone go see Crimson. You know, if you're so inclined, Crimson Stage puts out some great stuff, but it is about time to go. I've noticed, sadly, it's time for the saddest part of every Wednesday morning. I know.
[01:20:13] Speaker A: And we're gonna bid all our listeners.
[01:20:14] Speaker B: Ado, second to last one of the year.
[01:20:17] Speaker A: Yeah, we're gonna bring you one last really good one next year. Be sure to reach out if you have any ideas for the last morning show of the year.
[01:20:27] Speaker B: It's gotta be a real extravaganza.
[01:20:29] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. A bonanza.
[01:20:30] Speaker B: A bonanza.
[01:20:31] Speaker A: A toaster bonanza.